Are Dental Implants expensive in Perth?, Step by step guide to pricing schedules from $3750 to $5500 who in Perth is charging what?

Are dental implants expensive? Are they worth the time and effort? Here’s some insider info on the how-to, step by step guide  to , affordable treatments in dental implants Perth, WA.

This Blog is updated Daily should any Perth Dentist offer Upfront pricing on their website
please email me and you will be added same day.

This article will take 5 minutes to read, point out the different stages and costs related
as well as all the Questions you need to ask.

Quick reference to 5 Found Priced online - Bone if required would be
excluded and Conebeam Xray  
Tip 1: Bone costs +/- $300 above your quote if required
ps The more you place the cheaper you can lock the price at

 -Radiant Smile in Nedlands/ Yokine $3750 
- House of Smiles Cockburn From* $3999 couldn't find a website found this on
-Dentistryplus  Joondalup  $4499
-Joondalup City Dental From $3999
     seen on in May 2017- call  surgery ahead to confirm
-Stirling Street Dental Clinic $5500
-Dental Excellence $5500

Pricing broken down according to stages - Read on

Has a bike accident left you with a toothless grin that makes you want to hide under a rock?  Was it poor dental habits early in life that now have you kicking yourself? Guess what? No matter what the cause, there is a solution.

Let’s take a look at the options. First, there are the old tried and true dentures. You remember them, yup, your Granny had them.  Oh, you don’t want to take your teeth out every night and put them in a glass on the nightstand? We hear you.   The next option is a bridge. Yes, a bridge, not the London type but a bridge. It’s more technical than this, but it has wires that wrap around a tooth on each side to hold it in place.  It can damage those remaining teeth and really leave you toothless!  Let’s see, that leaves the dental implant option!  It’s really the best option and we are going to explain why in a minute.  But in reality, it’s just this: dentures and bridges are removable and even come loose on their own from time to time. Dental implants stay put!

You have 2 choices either go for the Immediately Loaded Dental Implant; where all 6 stages happen on the same day!  Both dental implant and a temporary crown are placed on the same day, especially if the implant falls in the smile line and has no bite pressure. You can also opt for a longer more drawn out treatment and have things done in stages.

If you are based in Perth, most Perth dentists will either place a dental implant themselves or recommend someone who can.  If your dentist does not place implants him/herself he/she will have a surgeon that works at his/her clinic once a week or even monthly, whose sole purpose is placing the dental implants.   The demand by the consumer for 1-stop shopping is advancing and now even dentists are making it easier to go through all treatment processes at one location.  The days of being handed from dentist to dentist, wasting hours in traffic, multiple appointments and waiting for a price are days long gone.

What will this process cost you?

Always shop with YOUR budget in mind.  Never forget, once you have a treatment plan in hand, shop around. Ask if there are discounts  or negotiable  etc.  I would email your treatment plan or a breakdown of costings  to  at least 10 dentists ask for a comparative quote.  You have nothing to lose and everything to gain. You don't even need to lift a telephone, just email away! 

Follow our steps below to ensure you get the best possible match for your budget and time.

1)     Change the way you shop.  Its how  you search for your Perth Dental Implant 

Ø  Don't Google® "Dental Implants Cost Perth".
TIP 2 Always include in your search the figure you have in your budget

Ø  Always place the monetary value of your budget in that search string. For example you might search:  "Dental Implants Perth $1400". then $1500 the $1600 etc. You name the price on the Google  or Firefox Search Line and let the Search Engine do its thing

Ø  Remember, pricing is usually   linked to overhead costs, like staff, lights, fancy buildings, etc.  

Ø  Prices usually range between $1200 and $2500 to place that first stage dental implant, so your search should produce a decent listing. If it does not, please e-mail me and I’ll send you a list of dental implant specialists in Perth who price accordingly.

·       What kind of Implant will they place and do they differ? The one benefit of a First world Country is extreme attention to quality and ANY dental implant in Australia has been approved by the  They are the powerhouse of standard. Your TIP here is What warranty is offered from the manufacturer. My caution here would be no matter what the brand they want to use, confirm the location of the Australian Office on line yourself ( if you cant find the dealership in Australia then you don't buy the car) and second would be on the day of Implant placement you receive a Small warranty Certificate which holds the Implant Lot Number. These are critical for the Warranty and should be kept in a safe place - down the line should you need a spare part , you know exactly what you have in your mouth. This is one of the greatest reasons for Risk on holiday tourism , many if not 50%  placed are not sold in Australia. In truth the has approved only a certain amount and there is nothing worse than a broken Front tooth and no spare parts.

Ø  Lifetime or not? 
Note: Any decent practitioner offer a 100% Warranty on their Implants placed

Your second TIP is to choose a dentist that guarantees the dental implant. 

Ø  If the Implant fails, will they replace it? There should never be a risk to the Patient - whatsoever the 1% failure rate is the risk of the IMplantologist - if it fails he replaces it for FREE - Its Industry Norm in Perth - KNOW YOUR RIGHTS. If it was too risky in the first place , the treatment would be knocked back.

Ø  Are there any costs that you will have to carry? The Industry standard from most dentists in Perth should offer an absolute commitment to replace the implant in a 2 -3 year period. Please check this fine print long before you hand over a single cent.  

Ø  If the implant fails and you choose not to replace it will they refund your expense? This should absolutely be an option. But, again it all depends on the ethics and business models of the practice you are dealing with.

·       What if you need Bone?

Ø  Many surgeons are capping this at $300.  (Not often necessary but you have the cost.)

Ø  You could be cheeky and ask them to use Bone from a second site in your own mouth.  Yes more injury, but you do save money. Don't be shy asking if this is possible and asking questions about what they can actually do. Remember: If you feel strange asking that uncomfortable question then you are going to pay the uncomfortable price.  More skilled surgeons have the ability to save you money when possible.

·       Many Dental Implants post a trauma need gingival (gum) repair. 

Ø  This too is carried out in a quick and efficient manner by the surgeon.  These days they use gum from the palate, transferred to the injury site.

Ø  You want to be a little cheeky here and ask them to keep as much of the vascular corridor attached as possible. 

Ø  Estimated cost $350 - $ 450 (depending on how many mm are needed and how extensive the injury). You aren’t an expert, but they don’t know that because you are asking all the right questions and now you even know the approximate cost.

2)     The Cone Beam X-ray (Approximate cost:  $120 to $300)

·       This is a 3D visual rendering that provides all the bone and Nerve Data the surgeon requires knowledge about for your treatment.

3)     The main Body of the Dental Implant, the titanium screw is placed first

Ø  This area is now highly competitive.  Both the surgery and the dental implant at $1400 is a respectable price guide.

Ø  You may question my number here but change your Google search tactics because your first search will reveal the Google churn of $5500 and those were 2012 prices.  Prices have dropped drastically.

Ø  98% of patients consider the pain level similar to that of a Filling.

Now here comes the interesting part there are a few more Stages

4)     Exposure:  The Screw needs to be tested and bone integration levels checked via machine technology.   An Osstell is used for this purpose, 

Ø  This technology now integrated into the latest Implant machines.  This is a great test as to whether you’re chosen Implantologist has the correct equipment.

Ø  Readings are critical! No test, no Crown. It’s as simple as that.

Ø  Should integration levels appear lower than 68, they won’t load the new dental crown and you will wait a 4-12 weeks before a retest.

Ø  In some difficult cases you might wait up to 6 months.

Ø  Exposure costs anything from $250 to $500. It all depends on how buried the implant must be. Loading a Dental Implant at readings of 80 and upwards is a Great result.

5)     Loading the Abutment and Impressions for your Dental Crown. Almost done!

Ø  The pricing here will be in line with pricing for a dental crown.

Ø  Do your homework!!!  There are many kinds of dental crowns available and they come in many colours. Attention to detail here is critical. This is going to be part of your smile for a long, long time. Make sure the colour matches your natural tones and the variations within your smile.

Your TIP here... If Colour is not discussed at your very first appointment then they are not focussed on the cosmetic result.

Ø  They will take photos and discuss with you the flecks/transparencies that you want replicated in the implant.

Ø  Do not accept a single tooth colour.  Teeth just aren’t one colour. Really, think I’m telling a tall tale? Go look at your teeth in the mirror!

Ø  A great Dental Crown will last up to 20 years, so you should be very happy with it and not compromise.

Ø  Too many dentists provide a less than acceptable crown that lasts only 5 years! I'm surrounded by family involved in Dentistry and my crowns are made from Zirconia for a Bruise patient. Why? Well they are in my smile line! Shhhh... Don’t tell, but I use my teeth to open all sorts of packaging!

Ø  Always find out what the extra fee is to upgrade to a Zirconia Brux Crown (in the old days they used solid gold! Imagine!) Zirconia Brux will also last you 20 years, so either way you can’t lose.

In this arena I do have input; firstly I have a daughter in Dental Technology and second my husband treats a Hollywood Mega stars.  Attention to detail to the very mm - is part of their pay packet.  Dinner table talk in my house is centred entirely on what makes a great dental crown and crowns worthy of the Tate Gallery.  Dental Crowns are truly works of ART if done correctly.

It’s your dentists responsibility to deliver a natural dental crown that has translucency, clarity, depth  and natural replication of not just colour, I remind you NOT just colour, but of all the imperfections found in your teeth that really make your smile perfection. 

I cannot stress enough how important the colour process is!  Many dental implant owners express deep buyer’s remorse over the colour. Don’t be stuck hiding your smile or sitting in a low-lit area so that no one can tell. Your implant should give you the ability to smile brightly and confidently.

6)     At the next appointment you are paying for not just the dental implant abutment but the deposit on the dental implant crown as well. 

Ø  Many dentists do ask for the Entire lab fee upfront.

Ø  These 2 prices cost approximately $1750.00 combined 

Are you with me? Steps 1 to 6 have cost you approximately $3750 without bone or any gum work. Advertised pricing schedules exist at $3999, $4500, $5500, and $8500 all for the Dental Implant Treatment Plan we have discussed so far. I have a great Article on my Blog  " You have been advised you need Bone - What are the options and Costs" If you find Bone costing has become an issue

Follow all my advice.  Shop around.  Ask to speak to someone in the practice who can advise you on the dental crown options available.  If blank answers are given and you are constantly referred to the dentist and for that you need an appointment, then absolutely you are shopping in the wrong place!

Cosmetic dental implant surgeries that do this every day of their lives can play out every price and scenario in their sleep. They usually have staff on hand to win business with their knowledge. So again, make the phone calls.

You need to find a dental implant practice in Perth that holds knowledge high in their value system. After all, would you buy a car from someone that didn’t drive or have knowledge of the process?

My final TIP for you... Many patients unfold their treatment plans over a one to two year period. Many don't have the funds available to cover all the steps required in a year and spend 2-3 years completing the entire treatment. It’s very common and it makes it very affordable to place a Dental Implant in Perth.


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